If you cannot find the question you are looking for. Please go to the contact page and ask your question there.

Yes! We appreciate it when people give us feedback and we want feedback! Good or bad, this will help us deliver a product and services that you/customer will look forward to.

Paying for faster shipping will not make our shipping policy and processing times disappear. The faster shipping will take place once the items have been dropped off at the mail carrier!

Unfortunately no, we have tons of orders we constantly go through so we are unable to combine packages. If you want everything to arrive in one package please order everything together.

All Cups will be one-time collectible drops. Once sold out, they will not be restocked. Other products may vary.

No, if you see any of our products being sold on another website. It people who steal our art from our artists and profit off of it by making low-quality items and reselling those products.

Unfortunately the discount codes cannot be applied after your purchase has been finalized. Also please not that discount codes cannot be stacked.